

了解更多关于 our services, in-person hours and other resources.


残疾支援服务 at Anne Arundel 社区 College exists to ensure that students with disabilities have an equal opportunity to participate in educational and co-curricular offerings. We do this by providing reasonable and ethical accommodations consistent with ADA guidelines using an individualized, student-centered approach and modeling best practices through training, 协作和参与.

 Accommodations and services may include:

  • 记笔记者、读者和/或抄写员
  • 测试设施
  • 其他格式的书籍
  • 手语翻译
  • 放大系统
  • Computers equipped with software: Dragon Dictate, (voice recognition system for dictation), Zoom Text (system for enlarging test), Kurzweil Reader (system for scanning and producing text verbally), JAWS(电脑屏幕阅读器)
  • Special parking areas equipped with curb cuts and ramps located close to classroom buildings (license tags for those with disabilities are obtained through the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA)
  • TTY (telecommunications device for the deaf and hearing impaired)
  • Maryland Relay (800-735-2258 or 711)
  • CCTV(文字放大)

Accessing 残疾支援服务

All students must provide documentation of their disability to AACC and then meet with a 残疾支援服务 specialist.

Our office continues to provide support and services remotely.

Step 1: Gather and Submit Supporting Documentation

Make an appointment with a DSS specialist 在线 或者通过电子邮件 DSS@bearinterestgroup.com至少四天 before your appointment, submit your disability documentation by email to DSS@bearinterestgroup.com 或传真至410-777-4070.

Eligibility for accommodations and services from the 残疾支援服务 (DSS) office will be established when you present documentation of a disability:

找心理医生, psychologist and/or diagnosing physician submit a comprehensive evaluation report that diagnoses your disability along with the 残疾证明表格.

They will be required to provide documentation that:

  • Confirms diagnosis of your disability
  • Describes the difficulties and functional limitations in an educational setting because of your disability
  • Indicates the severity and longevity of the condition
  • Offers recommendations for treatment

确保精神病医生, psychologist or diagnosing physician is certified in the field of your disability and can be objective and relevant to the disability for which you are self-identifying. Challenges to the documentation will be made if a relative, immediate family member or friend of the family has conducted the evaluation.

If a comprehensive evaluation report that diagnoses your disability is not available, 我们仍然需要一个完整的 残疾证明表格 from your psychiatrist, psychologist and/or diagnosing physician.

If you do not have documentation and do not have a resource for evaluation, 请致电410-777-1411或发电子邮件 DSS@bearinterestgroup.com to make an appointment with the DSS office. The DSS specialists can provide you with evaluation referral resources.

Step 2: Submit Other Supporting Documentation

If you have secondary school information, such as an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan, 将这些信息发送至 DSS@bearinterestgroup.com.

Is documentation current and complete?

Written documentation and verification, including diagnosis of the disability and the appropriate tests administered, must be less than 3 years old so the DSS specialists can make the necessary decisions regarding accommodations. The nature of the disability will dictate the longevity of the documentation.

If the information is not a comprehensive evaluation or if the documentation is inadequate, a 残疾证明表格 will be provided to the student and/or sent to the physician or other certified professional clinician to be completed and returned to DSS. 


在你预约的那天, your 残疾支援服务 specialist will explain the accommodations and/or services available to you. DSS policies and procedures will be reviewed.

Step 4: Accommodation Notification Process

Once you meet with the DSS specialist and accommodations are established, notification emails will be sent to your professors listing your accommodations. A duplicate copy will be sent to your AACC email account for your records. You are responsible for contacting your professors to review your accommodations and discuss how they will be implemented.


Continuing students must renew their accommodations request each term by completing the 设施更新 form and returning it to the DSS office. No appointment is needed unless you are requesting different or additional accommodations.


了解更多关于 学费减免 for Students with Disabilities.








8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

To schedule an appointment, call 410-777-1411 or go to our 预订的日历

学生会(SUN) 140室




Diane Tydings, student success specialist
